Archive for May, 2012

Sports should be a part of everyone’s life. There are so many life lessons that can be learned by playing sports.  The people that choose not to play some type of sport or cannot play a sport are missing out on many lessons that they can use in their every day life after the sports are done.  Growing up I always played sports of some type, and I learned so many lessons that I still use today.  I have been lucky enough to have the opportunity to pass these lessons onto my children and kids that I have coached over many years.  I am all for expanding your intelligence, but I do think that in today’s society not as many kids play sports and I believe them being locked up in the house or being alone all the time does not serve them well. The true human contact is not there anymore. Some kids would rather send an email or text to a friend to see how they are doing, rather than going over to their house and saying hello in person.  Getting out and playing sports gets you out into the world at large and you get the opportunity  to meet other folks from all over the place. I truly believe that the lack of human contact whether from sports or otherwise is hurting our society as a whole. Just my thoughts. I will be posting sporting stories soon. I hope that you read them and make comments.